As soon as a child is born they are learning each and every day. Here at Our Lady of the Angels, we provide an enriching environment where students get to learn and explore the world alongside their peers. The environment will also meet the developmental needs of each child as they continue their learning journey.
Throughout the year our goals always remain the same: provide a safe, Christ-centered environment, focusing on their physical, and cognitive well-being. We also put a focus on positive self-confidence in each and every one of our students.
Our curriculum allows the children to explore the world around them through a variety of hands-on, academic, and social activities. Through these pursuits, students will grow in their social, emotional, cognitive, fine, and gross motor skill development.
Our various Science, Library, Building, Dramatic Play, Math, Art, and Writing Centers located around the classroom allow for the children to pursue their own unique interests while also interacting with their peers.
Our Program is five days a week for three and four-year-olds.
Children engage through a variety of hands-on activities, outside play, developmentally appropriate activities, lunch, nap, music, and gym classes.
Children must turn three before September 1st of the approaching academic year as well as be completely/independently toilet trained as well.